Thursday, April 27, 2006



说二十多岁参政太年轻,我并非完全赞成。这年龄是一个人最有冲劲,满腔热血,充满政治理想的年龄。胡志明29岁那年已在卫塞尔,第一世界大战后的和约会议,展现了他的政治倾向。孙中散在他26岁那年开启了他的革命路程。 第一次起义,他才年仅28岁。清末维新变法戊戌六君子当中便三位载3岁以下,追年轻年仅23岁。甚至我们熟悉不过的李光耀,建创人民行动党时才31岁罢了。

也许对我们这一带的”年轻人“,那评论也未必完全没道理。毕竟我们属于一个‘被保护’的一代, 许多甚至在大学时期,仍处于父母的围护下,没有经过任何历练。

Saturday, April 22, 2006


近期常常在933听到林俊杰的新歌,曹操。听了几篇都不知他在唱什么。前几天在新闻看到大在提倡华文的报道,守芳的一位学生竟说他那首曹操让她对中国历史开始感兴趣。一听,我脑子顿时浮出两个字,放屁! 我看她也未必知道歌在唱什么。今天特地去找了找曹操的歌词。看了觉得歌词毫无意思,像是把几句词凑在一起便形成一首歌似的。歌里只有三句有提到三国的历史:第一,东汉末出三国,这是正确的。第二,曹操一心想夺荆州。见仁见智,因荆州是曹操南征时所夺取的地盘之其一,同时他也在追杀刘备一党。第三,曹操独自走长板坡,这大错特错。独自走长板坡应是张飞,若说赵云也情有可原。曹操那时可是带着几十万大军,不只抓不到赵云,还被张飞一人吓得全军撤退。


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How will you react?

There was this happily married and loving couple. After years of trying for a baby, they finally gave birth to a boy. And of course, both of them love the boy with all their heart and treated him like a treasure. One day, when the boy was about 3 yrs old, as the father was going to work, he saw a bottle of cough syrup that was left on the table uncapped. Because he was rushing for work, he shouted to his wife, reminding her to put the cap back on the bottle of medicine, and left the house. The mother, busy with her chores in the kitchen, decided to do it later. However, in the meantime, the little boy walk to the table, took the bottle and gulped down the entire bottle. Unknown to them, the medicine was a strong one meant for adults only. Even adult should at most only take a teaspoon at a time. Soon the baby collapsed. As soon as the mother realised what had happened, she rushed the boy to the hospital. However, it was too late and the boy passed away. Devastated, the mother could only sit there in the hospital, in tears. Soon the husband arrived at the hospital. After seeing their dead child, he walked over to his wife, looked at her and said 5 words.....

What do you think he said? If you are the husband, how would you react? What will you say?

Give it some thoughts......

He said, "I'm here with you, darling..."

What has happened cannot be changed. Nobody wants this to happen. There is no point trying to pint the blame at anyone, it doesn't help anything. The best thing we can do is to stand by the person we love, and walk through this ordeal together, giving each other love and support.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Review of the last one month

Well, it was a month of a not so usual routine, no 8-5 work days, no taking of the same bus. same mrt, seeing the same few commuters. 1st, was my 1 week ICT, followed by 2 week plus in Germany. Eventful, but yet didnt see myself moving forward. Decided I should reflect upon my experiences in this past month. Here goes...

1st has to be my one week ICT. Has been looking forward to it as a break from my boring job. Well, I could have more rest if I had not passed my IPPT. Ends up because I dun need to take IPPT, I was arrowed to attached to Pioneer platoon. Sheesh..while the others sleep and attend lessons in air-conditioned room, I was in the vehicle shed day and even night (hmm...think I cannot write too much abt what happened inside). Anyway, it was a good chance to catch up with old friends, some of whom I haven't met since we ORDed. Some married already, some are planning to, and of cos some like me, still single and available. And the common thing is, everyone complains abt their jobs, pay, bonuses....haha. And of cos, put a bunch of guys together and sex will never be far away from the topic. And there will be this few who will starting rattling off whatever they know abt those sleazy joints, their experiences etc. Seems to me that they are trying hard to show how hip and sexually open they are. While there are many others who also visits such places, there is a stark difference in the way they talked abt it. One just casually talks abt what they done and seen, while the others put effort into pushing out whatever they knew. It's very obvious the difference between these two groups even in their character-wise. The "non show off" have no problems poking fun at themselves during casual talk, while the "show off" will always put themselves in a better light when they are talking abt themselves. Anyhow, it was a nice little break away from work...unaware that a shit-hole is awaitng me back in office...

Of cos the next 3 wks, I ended up in Germany. Tired, cold and hungry, the days seems to crawl by slowly. Anyway, I managed to pull through it with few scratches. All wasn't that bad. At least we got to know 2 Craotian guys and learn a vulgar phrase in Croatian. And, I found out how filthy rich the Arabs are. Fancy getting half a million plus 3 mansion just by getting married. And be hailed as a nantional hero just by declaring you want to work.

Anyway, here I am, back in Singapore, back to my normal routine, hopefully not for long...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Away For Some Time

Its been weeks since I logged on . Was in reservist for 1 week, and immediately after that have to come to Germany to fill a big shit hole. Its been shit all the way since the day I arrived.

First, my luggage was lost in transit. No clothes to change, no underwear to change. All I have left is the T-shirt, jeans and slip-on I was wearing, and its freezing right here. Its a good thing I have my jacket in my haversack, else I would have frozen to death. Fortunately, the airline managed to return my luggage after two days.

Then in my hotel room, the heater isn't working well. Its freezing outside and freezing inside too. Had to cover myself with 2 blankets when I sleeping, and its still cold. Yes, shivering as I am typing right now. Shining a spot light at myself, hoping it will create a bit of heat. And another thing goes wrong for my room is the internet access is not working. Completely cut off from the world. The reception refuse to believe that there's somthing wrong with the access point, always telling us to check our settings, in a very polite way though. Until we decide to try our laptops with the access point at the reception, he took actions to resolve the problem. And yeah, I'm finally connected. =)

Work was the biggest piece of shit, something I was expecting before I came. Everything was in a mess. Time was short. Equipments were not ready. I became the 1st target point as I was the only one the Germans saw before. Lunch was perpetually late, the latest being after 3pm. Dinner needless to say, was later since we always end late. And I'm working even on Saturday, Sunday. A point of relieve is that my project manager arrived a couple of days ago, and I was taken off the position of 1st target point.

Progress of work has been better than expected...hopefully, everything will goes smoothly and I can go back safely....*fingers crossed*

Time to hide back under my blankets *shivering*