Thursday, November 24, 2005

My Old Blog

Hey...Found the blog I set up a year ago but forgotten abt it, leaving it to collect dust for a year...wiping some of the dust away, these are two of the things I posted there more than a year ago....

The journey is for us to enjoy while the outcome is for others is see. Yet so often we are more concerned about producing the outcome. So often we pressured ourselves to produce the outcome for the mere sake of the sight of others that we forsake our enjoyment of the journey, the very reason that we embark on the journey.

History is written by victors. As such, victors are always protrayed as the good guys. Everything they did is justified and whatever the loser did or did not will become, in the eye of history, wrongdoings or war crimes. How many heros have became villians in defeat and how many villians are being protrayed as heros? Nobody really knows and the truth will be buried deeper and deeper as the years passed, as witnesses passed on, as the written history becomes the recognised truth.


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