Friday, May 19, 2006

Who Am I?

Who am I? What is in an identity? What forms my identity? I guess it should include stuff that others use to differentiate myself from others, so that means that my name and my appearance must be two integral parts of my identity.

But then, its seems that name and appearance only form the outer shell of my identity. I believe the identity should also be filled inside with some substance. Hmm...let's see. What differentiate myself from others is also my actions and behaviour. So whatever determines how I behave and act should be what I need to fill the inside of my identity. I think my values should be one....character should be one too...and of course, personality.

Then again, we should not forget our roots. I think family background should be important too. It has been stuck with me ever since I was born.

Well...I guess I have the formulae for my identity.

But wait....

Personality and character can be changed. A short-tempered person can learn to remain calm. a shy person can learn to be more extroverted. If personality and character change, then wouldn't identity changes as well?

Though somewhat harder, it seems that values can be changed too. It takes a greater effort, but with enough will and determination, that changes too and will identity, won't it?

Well, seems like that leaves us with name, appearance and family background.

Hey, you can change your name easily just by filling in some forms.

With plastic surgery, physical appearance can be changed totally. Even cosmetics alone is enough to change one's appearance drastically.

Wow...I guess the only thing that can't be changed is family background. Little wonder why we have our family name as part of our name.

Since the ingredients of identity can be changed at will, that means that identity is also changing. In that case, what is an idenity? What does it represents? And do we in fact have any identity? If so, what is my identity?

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Finally Over!! Or has it just started?

1 day of nomination, 8 days of rallies, 1 day of polling....

Accusations, deceit, media bias, money politics, riot police, loyalty vs materialism, slip of tongue, accountability, mandate, young opposition, the list goes on....

The action seems to have all ended with the results announced. This election saw the rise of opposition parties, esp WP, sparking a country-wide interest in them. More noticeably, it triggered the widespread increase in politics awareness in youth, young voters. A good thing it may seems, a good thing many ppl felt, but deep in my heart, an alarm sounded.

The youth discussed, the youth questioned, the youth raised opinions, the youth rally ard WP citing its credibilty, endorsing it as a constructive opposition that does not oppose for the sake of opposing. I too endorsed the WP team of this election, but sadly, I could not say the same thing about the youth. Are their reasons for supporting the opposition the sake for justifying the unspoken possibilty that they are the one who is opposing for the sake of opposing......

Which direction will our politics be heading? What political environment will serve the ppl best? Lots of things to consider before any step is be taken...