Friday, June 30, 2006

Interesting things at site

Its been nearly 3 weeks since I arrived in Abu Dhabi. Its my first time working in a construction site, and wearing a safety helmet. Of course, new place new experience.

Have always heard of the job title "office boy" but have never seen one at work. For the 1st time, I saw, not one but two, running errands in the site office. Most of the time, they are serving tea to the engineers in the office, making sure the office is clean, doing photocopying and acting as courier. Sitting in the office at times, one will periodically get to hear "Pataum, watar! Pataum watar!!", the korean site manager shouting across the room for the office boy to bring him a cup of water, and you will see a young indian guy hurriedly walk across the room with a cup in his hand. Interesting job.

And then there is another interesting job at site. They employed a Sikh just to guard the lift. Whole day, he will just sit outside the lift with a fan blowing in his face. When an engineer is there, he will press the lift button. And of course, his most useful purpose is to prevent the workers from using the lift. One day, for unclear reason, he was actually sitting inside the lift, sweating like hell. The only time when he get some ventillation is when someone actually use the lift. Only reason I can think of is to stop workers from taking the lift from other storeys.

Working with indian workers, I still find it uneasy when they addresses me as "sir". But one thing for sure, broken English definitely comes in handy when communicating with them. For those who advocates good English, you are going to have a hard time at site. Communication is key, not grammar.

And one for the korean dramas fans. If you are thinking of having a romantic relationship with a korean guy, just like in the drama, think twice. The koreans are workaholics, resting only a day every fortnight, working 15hrs a day. Its crazy...

5 1/2 more weeks to go...

Saturday, June 24, 2006






近来 越来越喜欢做梦。


Friday, June 23, 2006

Abu Dhabi 的日子

一晃,在Abu Dhabi已有十二天了。一周工作六日,周五休息,实在有点不习惯。工作时间不一样,气候更是不同。那浩瀚的烈日,即使从室内向外望出,也异常的刺眼。在此等烈日的厮虐下,温度直线飙升,将整个城市变成一个巨大的烤炉。在这儿时间不长,却已两次目睹鸟儿昏死在地,奄奄一息。想必是被热昏的吧,可说是“热死”了。



Friday, June 02, 2006




参加了一项凭单交易比赛。今天是比赛的最后一天。 从赛况看来,我本有望角逐前3名。相信今天股市回大胀, 便压了重驻。 到了中午却迟迟未见到我预算的情形出现。我动摇了。我遗弃了我原有的信念。 午后,我所料之事终于发生了。 太迟了。

原本可以夺得至少一个亚军及奖金,以随着我的动摇里我而去。呜呼 。。。